
blurry view of someone is riding a bike down the street as someone opens up their car door

What is a Dooring Accident?

Cyclists are susceptible to a wide range of road hazards, including potholes, debris, inattentive drivers, and much more. However, one hazard that avid cyclists may fear of most is being ‘doored,' which can result in a serious injury and even death. Also referred to a...

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woman unfastening helmet while standing next to bicycle and looking into distance

Safe Cycling Tips for Bicyclists

Cycling is a great, eco-friendly way to get around. It's fun, exhilarating, and you get some exercise while you’re doing it. However, if you fail to be cautious of basic safety protocols, it can easily result in a serious accident. With that being said, it is imperati...

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man sitting on the curb next to a damaged car with head held in hands

Delayed Pain After an Accident

After a car accident, those who experience minor injuries consider themselves lucky compared to those who experience catastrophic injuries and fatalities that are reported every year. However, just because you are able to exchange information with the other driver, provide a poli...

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woman with neck pain in parking lot with cars involved in minor collision in background

3 Reasons to Seek Medical Treatment After an Accident

After an accident, many victims neglect seeking medical treatment. This is because immediately after an accident, your adrenaline is running high and you may not feel pain right then and there. In fact, you may not even feel pain for days or weeks after. Others think that they&rs...

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two men shaking hands at a desk with a roman scale, gable, calculator, and coffee sitting on the desk

How to Choose the Best Personal Injury Lawyer

It is no secret that there are many personal injury lawyers out there, making it overwhelming to choose the best one for your case. There are many attorneys who we often see on billboards, buses, and other forms of outdoor advertising, and others that don't do any advertisi...

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close up of two men reviewing a book with a roman scale, gavel, and other things sitting in the background

Things Not To Do When Filing a Personal Injury Claim

Dealing with the aftermath of a personal injury accident is never easy, especially given that your injuries were caused by the fault of another party. Missing work, struggling to pay medical bills (and other bills), and many other factors are often stresses that victims experienc...

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there are two men sitting at a table with a book, pen, roman scale, and gavel.

Benefits of Hiring a Personal Injury Lawyer

The aftermath of a personal injury accident can be devastating. Dealing with your injuries, in addition to finding medical care, figuring out how to pay for medical bills, determining liability, along with many other factors can be extremely stressful. A personal injury lawyer is...

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a woman riding a motorcycle on a dirt road

The Importance of Motorcycle Helmets

Riding a motorcycle is an exhilarating experience. For many riders, it is not only a form of transportation, but it also is a passion that they love and enjoy. While there are many perks of motorcycle riding, it does pose serious dangers as well, especially without a helmet. ...

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a man riding a motorcycle on the street

Motorcycle Safety Tips for Riders

It is no secret that motorcycle riders are at a greater risk of a serious accident than other drivers on the road. This is because traditional motor vehicles are protected by the exterior of the car, as well as seatbelts, and airbags. Whereas motorcyclists do not have the same ty...

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construction worker working on a roof truss with a hammer

Am I Eligible for Workers' Compensation in California?

If you are injured on the job, you may be entitled to Worker's Compensation for your injuries. With the exception of independent contractors, all employers in the state of California are required to either purchase a workers' compensation insurance policy from a licensed in...

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